In previous articles on the marketing of search engines and website analysis I wrote about the importance of detecting potential customers from a website to the end of the purchase cycle to determine which of their online campaigns to optimal levels are made and can use some adjustments. . A new technology has been reached, the insertion of dynamic phone number (DTNI), with the ability to follow the website cables, depending on their incoming sales calls. With a modern website analysis platform (ie Google Analytics, Omniture, etc.), it is currently very easy to follow your sales at your point of origin, or of organic search, banner advertising, social networks, pay per click, or other online marketing initiatives. Unfortunately, traditional analysis platforms are limited to reporting on potential customers who really take a physical action point on their website, and cannot find telephone cables like DTNI. As we all know, the prospects sometimes prefer to pick up the phone and talk to someone in your business, and this tendency usually increases in relation to the price of your product or service. When performing traditional analysis programs without using the dynamic insertion of phone numbers, once a perspective on your site decides to repair the phone and call your company, the source of the high quality or low quality fall of the grid.
Therefore, it is an important part of your search engine marketing campaign to implement a website analysis technology, such as inserting the dynamic phone number on your website.
The basic concepts of inserting the dynamic phone number.
The insertion of the dynamic phone number can be elegant, but in practice it is actually a fairly simple concept. The DTNI website analysis system creates a position bookmark where your phone number will normally appear on your website (usually in or near the head of each page). When visitors arrive on your site, the source of the traffic is indicated, and another phone number appears for every different input channel that follows, making it ideal for the amount (and the final result) of the phone calls of your different online. Marketing camps. For example, let’s say that it focuses on your online marketing efforts in optimizing organic search engines, banner advertisements and pay per clight marketing. Visitors to your website that came from the organic search will see a phone number when they arrived, visitors who came from pay-per click, would see another one, and visitors to banner ads will be further, and their Analysis program of DTNI sites will track the source of each of these potential customers. The insertion of the dynamic phone number is a very simple configuration, and with DTNI there are no boundaries for the number of channels that can track it. Theoretically, you can appear another phone number on your website for each individual key phrase that is organically directed; One for each payment phrase per click, one for each other link that shows on your website, etc. Clearly, granularity is not a problem to insert the dynamic phone number (although the price of thousands of tracking numbers). As the DTNI systems offered today are mainly based on cookies, there is a latency incorporated in this type of website analysis technology. In other words, if someone found his website through a PPC announcement one day and just recorded his website to return to days later, they will still see the designated PPC number. In this way, the dynamic insertion of the phone number can be attributed a latent cable to your marketing efforts for pay-per-click search engines and not to an unknown channel. Once you have decided which traffic sources you want to track, you must regularly collect all DTNI information to analyze the volume of the phone call and subsequent performance for each of its sources. It involves watching phone calls for each channel and matches the data with the status of perspectives (closed, dead, remains active, etc.). The use of DTNI as part of its current website analysis, can of course work a little, but the benefits are obvious. Of course, limitations of DNTI as with all other sites analysis systems, there are some restrictions for inserting the dynamic phone number. Unless you decide to use thousands of phone numbers, you will find numbers that are appointed with DTNI, the traffic resources you specify, and will not allow you to locate on the individual keyboard level. In other words, you can find a call, for example organic search, but will not know exactly what the caller wrote. In addition, just like any source in a search engine marketing campaign, it is often impossible to expect where all traffic will come to your website with DTNI. Let’s say your website stood online in a popular publication, but it just knew about the fact; With the program of analysis of your website, your cables can attribute directly to this channel, as referrals are noticed in TikTok Analytics Platform real time. With DTNI I will have to establish the ability to follow up in advance, which is not always possible. In addition, there is no guarantee that the data of the Inserting Program of the dynamic phone number used to measure the effectiveness of your online marketing campaigns will always be 100% accurate. For example, a person can score a number they saw on their website when they found it through a particular source and will give you the number to another person, who then calls. The second person will be attributed by DTNI as directly from one of its designated traffic sources. However, since there is probably a website analysis tool to detect potential telephone call clients from your website before the dynamic phone number, most people find that these cases are of trivial interest.